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Successful E3 Visa Renewal in Ottawa

Posted by Immigration Bureau | Tips |
March 15, 2017

Immigration aka the Immigration Law Office of David E. Yurkofsky, recently successfully helped an existing client renew their E3 visa in Ottawa, Canada including after she faced obstacles that could have resulted in a 60- day delay.

Successful E3 Visa Renewal in Ottawa

Immigration aka the Immigration Law Office of David E. Yurkofsky, recently successfully helped an existing client renew their E3 visa in Ottawa, Canada including after she faced obstacles that could have resulted in a 60-day delay. This continues our 100% success rate in E3 visa applications and renewals.

Some background on the E3 Visa

The E3 Visa work visa specifically to allow Australians to live and work in the USA in a field they have obtained a bachelor’s degree (or higher) in. The E3 is very similar to the H1b visa, except since it is limited to Australians only and  it is much easier to obtain than the H1b visa.  The visa quota for E3 visas available for Australians each year has never been exhausted (the limit is 10,000). You may renew an E3 visa for 2 years at a time, assuming you still meet all of the eligibility criteria.

We have published comprehensive information about the E3 visa here

Visit the US Embassy website for more information about the E3 Visa qualification criteria and more information

Preparing the client for their renewal interview

To help our client prepare for their visa renewal interview, our team dealt with all of the follow paperwork:

  • Investigated the new minimum wage requirements dictated by the US Dept. of Labor to ensure compliance and then applied for a new LCA on behalf of the employer and the LCA was smoothly approved.
  • Prepared a petitioner letter laying out the facts and how the application met all of the legal requirements for the E-3 Visa
  • Drafted an application letter for the employer to finalize and sign
  • Included a “Notice of Entry of Appearance as Attorney or Accredited Representative”
  • Added a collection of other supporting paperwork about the role, position description and qualifications and how it meets the requisite definition of a “professional specialty occupation”

Overcoming some setbacks in the renewal process reducing a potential 60-day delay to 36 hours

Despite our advice to the client to take paperwork with them showing financial viability of the small firm they worked for, they neglected to include it with their application. The consular officer at their interview enquired about this, and they were placed in administrative processing (with a yellow form), requesting further information about the company, ongoing work contracts, and examples of past work.

In less than 24 hours, we assisted our client in the preparation of all of the necessary documents to supply to the consular officer. This included providing additional information and answering questions posed by the US Consular officer:

  • Proofing and then thoroughly revising a detailed email from the employer
  • Proofing and then thoroughly revising a detailed letter from the employer
  • Insuring that all documentation our client wished to present---did so in a manner that would be beneficial client’s initial presentation in answering the request for additional information was initially p detrimental to ‘winning” the new visa application)
  • Verifying satisfactory proof of past work examples
  • Advising on the inclusion of the company’s past tax returns to show solvency
  • Phone consultations and some “hand holding “to ensure that all relevant information was being provided and to put our client at rest as he had stopped eating and was unable to sleep and worried he would be stuck in Canada for 60 days

With our legal advice, the administrative processing lasted less than 36 hours, and the E3 visa renewal was approved. Our client is now back in their adopted home state enjoying her life living and working in the USA.

If you’re an Australian citizen looking for an E3 visa attorney, then don’t look past us at Immigration Bureau; we have a superb success rate in helping Aussies get E3 Visas for the USA. Similarly, if you’re a US company looking for immigration law services to hire Australians at your company, we’d be delighted to serve as your US Immigration Attorney.


E3 visa Visa renewal

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